Whistleblower Policy
TransAct adheres to the highest legal and ethical standards applicable to our business. The Company conducts its business in strict observance of both the letter and the spirit of applicable laws and the integrity of each employee is of the utmost importance.
It is the intent of TransAct to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the organization and the underlying purpose of this policy is to support the organization’s goal of legal compliance. The support of all employees is necessary to achieve compliance with various laws and regulations. The Company prohibits any form of retaliation against an employee who raises an issue with the Company which he or she reasonably believes is in violation of the law.
If an employee has questions or concerns regarding any of the Company’s business practices or has knowledge of any action of the Company that may be in violation of a law, regulation or public policy or is fraudulent, or which may be a violation of Company’s Standards of Business Conduct and Code of Ethics, he or she must report the matter. Any such conduct by a director or executive officer of the Company must be reported to the Audit Committee. Any such conduct by anyone other than a director or executive officer must be reported to the Director of Human Resources.
The Director of Human Resources, Lynn M. Kozlowski, can be contacted at 203-859-6825 or at lkozlowski@transact-tech.com.
The Chair of the Audit Committee can be contacted at 203-859-6899 or at AuditChair@transact-tech.com.
The Company takes these matters seriously and all issues will be promptly investigated.