Investor FAQs

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What exchange does TransAct Technologies stock trade on and what is the ticker symbol?

Our stock is currently listed on NASDAQ ( under the ticker symbol "TACT".

What is TransAct Technologies' CUSIP number?

The CUSIP number is 892918103.

Does TransAct Technologies offer a dividend?

The Company currently does not pay a dividend

When does TransAct Technologies fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year ends December 31.

How do I obtain an annual report or other financial information about TransAct Technologies?

For financial literature, please call 203-682-8200 or click here for request materials

When will TransAct hold its annual meeting of shareholders?

The annual meeting of stockholders was most recently held on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 10:00 am Eastern Time virtually via the Internet at

Who is TransAct Technologies transfer agent?

American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
Operations Center
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219

Shareholder Services
(800) 937-5449
(718) 921-8124

Who is TransAct Technologies' independent auditor?

Marcum LLP,  185 Asylum Street, 25th Floor,  Hartford, Connecticut 06103

Where is TransAct Technologies' headquarters located?

The mailing and physical address of our principal executive office is:

TransAct Technologies Incorporated
One Hamden Center
2319 Whitney Avenue, Suite 3B
Hamden, CT 06518

How may I subscribe to TransAct Technologies' email alerts?

You can receive email alerts by filling out our mailing list form.

Who should I contact for additional investor information?

You can send an e-mail to the Investor Relations department by filling out the Contact Us form or calling (203) 682-8200.